
This blog claims none of the media as it's own and any media posted is intended for only promotional purposes if you own any of the media on this blog and would like it to be removed just e-mail me with proof that you own the media at and I will remove the link asap.

xoxo Alexandra


I'm looking for a co-web (only one) to help me keep this site up-to-date :) You don't have to update everyday but at least every 2-3 days :)
You have to be a nice, kind and trustworthy person :)
You have to had experience running/updating a media blog

If you are interested please e-mail me at answering the following questions :
1. Your name (can be real or nickname)
2. Link to your blog
3. Your e-mail (real please)
4. Why you think you should be a co-web
5. what you can contribute to the site

I will e-mail you and let you know whether or not you can be a co-web and tell you terms and conditions :)

xoxo Alexandra

Thursday, 18 December 2008

iCarly episode update {FOR KELSEY}

kelsey awhile ago you requested the icarly episode in WMV format and i think i have found a way to do this as when i was rendering an episode it seemed to work however i couldn't finish converting it as it was taking literally hours and i would be late for work and i had college BUT now i'm finished college i may have time but it will take a long time to convert them all so if you could please comment on THIS post (NOT THE CHATBOX) in the order you would like the episodes to be posted and when i start posting them could you please regularly come to this site to see if i have added anymore episodes as i will NOT be reposting them when they expire from the media holding site i will NOT BE REPOSTING THEM they take to much space on my hard drive so if you could please leave a comment ON THIS POST and name the order of the episodes you would like (please put down the episode name that would help a lot) but please don't expect them automatically as i have converted none i want to make sure you still come here so i'm not spending hours converting them when no-one wants them. Thank you so much this will help a lot (told you i would keep trying :D)


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for getting those. Umm... the episodes I want are all of them, but if that's too much for you, then just the ones of season two will be alright.

And I promise I will check this website everyday, and I'll even leave a comment for you so you can delete the post soon afterwards.

Again, thank you so much. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for this, and no one seems to have it. So thanks a ton!!